La Vie du Vin: Le Grand Noir Wines

If somehow you missed me talking about my experience abroad, I’ll fill you in. I studied abroad in Paris for a semester in the fall of 2016. I have always been a devout Francophile- an avid admirer of French fashion, architecture, and overall lifestyle. Being able to live in a city, and country, that inspires me so much was an absolute dream. Yes, there were some cultural differences and harsh realities that I had to face about my new home but a majority of my time spent abroad was in utter awe and fascination; I’ll never pass up a chance to go back to visit.


One of my favorite parts of life in Paris were the picnics. We would gather our wine, bread, and cheese and meet by the Eiffel Tower, Square du Vert-Galant, or Place de Vosges. Much like many other aspects of life in France, the picnics were slow and leisurely. There was never a rush or a place to go. Time, as well as the wine, was savored.

Before France, my wine repertoire was limited almost exclusively to Moscato. I had ventured into Rieslings and Pinot Grigios but in general, I preferred a sweet, white wine. So thank you France for introducing me to an entire new world of (red) wine.


Now, my go-to reds are full-bodied and fruity. Le Grand Noir’s Cabernet Sauvignon suites my more ~ refined ~ palette perfectly and has quickly become my choice red of the season. Not only is it as- if not more- delicious than the wine I had while abroad, it’s produced in the Carcassonne and Minervois regions of France and only costs $9.99 (at my local Total Wine). While the French like to take their time I suggest that you run to try this wine- and buy me a bottle while you’re at it!


This is a sponsored post by Le Grand Noir Wines. All reviews and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view- that the wine is absolutely delicious. Visit to learn more about their story and to view their complete range of wines.